Wednesday, July 4, 2007



my name is coco and i'm a jack russel terrier.
i live in sydney with my brother beau, and my mum and her family.
i also live with a cat but i don't like him very much.
i am four years old and i love to run.
thats why i love flyball so much. i get to run and jump and go really fast. i am almost up to going to a comp.
but recently i kinda did something stupid and jumped of a very high verandah and hurt my leg.
i havn't been able to do flyball for 8 whole weeks. it's so boring sitting at home on sunday afternoons.
but guess what. mum says that if when we go to the vet on friday, he says i'm ok again, then i get to go to flylball on sunday.
i am so excited.
anyway, i have to go now. i think there is a fly moving in the corner that i must go and catch.

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