Friday, February 22, 2008

guess what we did!!!!

guess what.
i got to go to flyball last sunday for the first time in forever. it was so exciting to be back.
missy, meadow and muskats mum got excited that we were back too. she was so happy that she took a picture straight away.
i thought it was funny. but i like pictures. i think they are fun.

anyway, when we went out and i did my overs, i wanted to show everyone how well i had been practicing. and i did my overs perfectly.
but wait. it gets better.
i did almost all of my full runs perfectly. we worked out that if digger and sophies mum stands behind the bo and calls me, i don't have a brain fart and forget where to run. the only problem was when she didn't stop calling me at the last over, and i forgot and tried to climb the box to get to her. it was a bit embarassing. but not to bad.
and guess what also. my brother did his full runs aswell.

sadly, my great grandma is not very well, and mum is going to visit her at easter time. this means that we don't get to go to the easter show this year. i was excited about it, but somethings are just important. even more than flyball.

we are going to "kamden" though, i think thats what they called it. and that is in two weeks. this will be my brothers first real competition. hopefully we will both get our letters for our names. then we can say that we are real flyball dogs. it wouldn't really change anything, but it is still kinda cool.

i have to go now because mum got home from working and looks like she needs a good lick in the face.


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